Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Conquer Social Anxiety

By Sarah Gilbert

In today's modern world and with the advent of modern technology (internet), our virtues and vices are practically known to everyone. Social media networks provide global instant access to people and issues with the privacy of personal information provided to these networks have created havoc if not nightmares to millions of people worldwide. This has resulted in a social phenomenon known as social phobia which instills fear and anxiety in many.

Experts believed that this led to more revelations of the magnitude affected by what is commonly called Social Anxiety (Phobia).

Social Anxiety is the fear of social situations and interaction with other people that can automatically bring on feelings of self-consciousness, judgment, evaluation, and criticism. It is the fear and anxiety of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression. Social Anxiety is a situation where a person usually becomes anxious in social situations, but seems fine when they are alone. Millions of people all over the world suffer from this devastating and traumatic problem every day of their lives.

Being introduced to other people, being teased or criticized, being the center of attention, being watched while doing something, making "small talk" at parties, meeting people in authority ("important people") are some uncomfortable social situations where one could experience significant emotional distress .

To the person with social anxiety, going to a job interview is pure torture: if you could just get past this terrifying and intimidating interview, you know you could do the job well. You'll look funny, you'll be hesitant, maybe you'll even blush, and finding the right words to answer the questions coherently. And the worst part of all: You know that you are going to say the wrong thing. You just know it.

Getting over such a disorder is not an easy task; yet many thousands have already done it. While you're in the middle of the problem, it feels hopeless - that you'll never ever get better. Life is just one gut-wrenching anxiety problem after another. But can this be stopped? At least quenched and reduced in a relatively short period of time? A behavioral therapist who understands and specializes in the treatment of social anxiety, can certainly help.

But first you need to understand the problem, being aware of the problem simply is not enough. You should have the will to carry on the treatment even if it seems difficult at times.

Socially anxious people share the knowledge that their thoughts and fears are irrational .That is, they know that others are not really critically judging or evaluating them. Or are trying to humiliate or embarrass them. Just their thoughts and feelings are exaggerated and irrational. Yet despite this rational knowledge, to feel differently persists.

Usually these anxious feelings are tied to thoughts that are entwined in a vicious cycle of negative expectations and negative appraisals. It is these automatic "feelings" and thoughts that occur around social situations that must be met and conquered in therapy.

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