Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Depression And Your Thinking

Thinking can change your depression – or at least the way
you look at depression.

Buddha believes that obsession with the self is one of the
sources of human miseries. Interestingly enough, most
people with depression are self-centered: they focus on
themselves, thinking of their lack or their own needs.
Depressive people often dwell on the negative aspects of
their lives. They need to change their thinking.

Thinking is a skill that leads to self-knowledge. According
to Buddha, self-knowledge, which is available to everyone,
is the way to true human wisdom. Enlightenment, a result of
pursuit of wisdom, shows you the "emptiness" of feelings
and things, and hence the futility of "attachment."
"Emptiness" in Buddhism does not mean "negation" or
"self-denial" of objectives and goals in life. Rather, it
implies holding your objectives and goals in "emptiness",
allowing them to move along with their natural energy, but
with no attachment of the "self" to them. It is similar to
your creativity: you let it come on its own; you don't
force upon it; you do it, but you give up "striving" and
"struggling" to do it. Just "being present" and "be
available" when it comes. This is the wisdom of "emptiness"
and "non-attachment."

With liberation from "self-preoccupation", you intuit the
wisdom that all pleasant feelings in life just lead you to
desire for more. The initial satisfaction that comes with
the desiret is short-lived, for no sooner have you
satisfied one craving than another arises and there is
another new craving. Buddha says that you suffer by wanting
the things you don't have and having the things you don't
want. Life is not a bed of roses, and it is never supposed
to be one. If you want the roses without the thorns, you
are planting the seeds of depression.

To eliminate the depression-causing desire, you need to
start thinking right. The pursuit of self-knowledge leading
to intuitive wisdom suggested by Buddha is attainable only
through daily meditation in which you dispel all negative
thoughts and replenish your mind with positive images.

Discipline your mind to think in a different way, in
particular to avoid any distorted thinking. According to
many psychologists and therapists, you mood is determined
by the way you think about your own experiences. If you
choose to think of unpleasant things, you will experience
unpleasant emotional responses or moods. Your thoughts are
only what you decide to believe in and continually
reinforce in your mind.

Avoid any thinking that makes you too optimistic that it
releases unrealistic energy precipitating in euphoria and
fantasy, commonly seen in bipolar depression.

Avoid any thinking that leads you to obsess with physical
and sensual matters. Such obsession often underlines a lack
of emotional and spiritual satisfaction in life.

Avoid any thinking that reinforces your fear. Truly, nearly
all of us feel afraid or low at some point in life. But if
you thoughts of insecurity are habitual, and your mind is
reacting to these dark forces daily, then you may have
become overwhelmed by the world around you. It is time you
did some thought discipline.

Avoid any thinking that focuses on material things, such as
career, money, and relationships. If you think you can
control your life through controlling other people or the
possession of wealth, think again.

A single thought can change your life forever. Change the
way you think about yourself. You are and become what you
think you are. You cannot change happenings or people
around you, but you can change the way you think about
them. In Buddha's wisdom, once you have negated the "self",
you attitudes to everything else will be different. You
will be imbued with love and compassion for others. You
will begin to relinquish your hold on material things. You
will become aware of the impermanence of things, and hence
the non-attachment.

Western medicine holds the belief that depression is due to
the imbalance of brain chemicals. There is no dispute to
the role of chemical imbalances in depression. However, it
must be pointed out that mind power can also induce and
initiate the production of certain brain chemicals, thereby
instrumental in triggering off depression. Change your
thinking may change the outcome of your depression.

About the Author:

Stephen Lau is a researcher, writing synopses of medical
research. His publications include "NO MIRACLE CURES - Only
Wholesome Self-Healing," a book on healing and wellness. He
has created several websites, including "Longevity For You"
, "A Healthy Lifestyle Is The Way Of Zen" and " and
"Chinese Natural Healing For Health Rejuvenation."

Depression, Suicide, Aging And Emotional Intelligence

There are so many myths about aging.

For instance, do you think, as many do, that all old people are
alike, and that nobody changes after about the age of 50?

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Freud's famous
statement that people couldn't change after the age of 50 simply
isn't true. At the time he formed his theories, most people
didn't live past 50, and that of course shaped his views. He may
not have seen a lot of people over 50. In fact this limited
exposure to people in older age groups continues to confound our

A lot of the psychological assessments available weren't normed
on enough people over the age of 60 to make them reliable for
individuals in that age group. Its all about developmental
stages and you wouldn't expect normal to mean the same thing for
a 75 year old as a 42 year old any more than for a 6 year old
and a 12 year old.

Seniors are not alike as individuals or as a group. Surveys
show that the most contented people are people aged 60-69, but
at the same time, the highest suicide rates of any age group
occur among individuals 65 and older. 81% of senior suicides are
male and Anglo males are particularly vulnerable. White males
over 65 have the highest suicide rate, second only to white
adolescent males.

Suicide rates are higher for those who are divorced or widowed,
and cause is attributed first to physical ailments, and then to

The percentage of seniors in the population has risen steadily
from 3% in 1900, to about 12% now. It is projected to increase
to 21% in the next 30 years.

Since most emotional problems are often presented first to a
primary care physician, as physical problems (headache,
backache), medical schools are hastening to add exposure to
geriatric medicine and psychology in the training of doctors.
Psychology licensing boards are also beginning to require it.

It's important to understand that depression manifests itself
in different ways. We usually think of the lethargic depressed
person, the one who moves and thinks slowly, can't sustain eye
contact, talks negatively, is disinterested or unable to enjoy
their usual pleasures, and wants to sleep all the time. But
depressed people can also be agitated, angry, restless,
irritable, eyes darting around, frantically trying to enjoy
things (but not able to), and not able to sleep much. In either
case, women may talk about the feelings, but men tend to
complain about physical ailments when they see a doctor.

It's important to understand that depression isn't a normal
part of aging, and that it's treatable. If you think you're
depressed, or that your loved one is, its good to start with a
physical checkup. You should be make a list of all medications
being taken, and also consider the normal routine. Many seniors,
especially those who live alone, neglect nutrition and exercise.
As I say in my ebook, EQ and Depression, you aren't supposed to
be depressed as you age. You're supposed to feel good.

Many seniors have a high EQ, are resilient, and are experienced
copers. EQ tends to increase with age, but not if you don't work
on it. Skills such as flexibility, creativity and resilience can
be learned, and it pays to start developing them in early
adulthood, as they take time to learn. Barring physical
problems, you can learn to manage your emotions and the thoughts
that accompany, and cause, them. We know that isolation is worse
on our health than high blood pressure and obesity combined, and
it not being isolated depends upon your interpersonal skills
your ability to make new friends and keep the old ones.

Creativity is needed to learn to work around things that
change. It tends to take longer, for instance, to learn new
things as we age, but many seniors are adept at many ways to
skin a cat. Likewise there are ways to make the short-term
memory loss less bothersome. Short-term memory loss is one of
the things that does come with aging, but the vast experience of
seniors in coping gives them a vast store of tricks to pull out
of the bag to help them remember. As one of my senior coaching
clients tells me, "My short-term memory's off about 10%, but
since it used to be far above-average, I'm doing fine. Now I
just write things down, like I've seen others do for years."

The ability to creatively meet challenges depends upon having
an optimistic attitude, which also can be learned. I coach
people in learned optimism and emotional intelligence
competencies all the time! If you want to, and are willing to,
you can learn to change self-limiting beliefs, once you realize
they aren't working for you. It depends upon correct information
(like its not normal to be depressed at any age, including old
age) and then becoming aware of your emotions and self-talk, and
changing them. Depression usually responds best to a regime of
exercise, good nutrition including neutraceuticals, medication,
and cognitive work.

Coaching can help you move forward, make goals and stay
accountable to them – and find a coach over the age of 50 – with
age comes wisdom.. We also know that resilient seniors are
lifelong learners. While we don't make any more brain cells as
adults, we can continue to form new connections throughout the
lifespan IF we learn new things; the more radical the better.
This means if you're an engineer, take a literature course. If
you're a Spanish teacher, study some physics. If you're a
left-brained mathematician, take an EQ course and develop the
right side of your brain. As someone said, fall in love with
learning and you'll never end up with a broken heart.

Intentionality is a high-order emotional intelligence
competency. Why not intend to be one of those seniors who's
resilient and contented, who ages gracefully? Look to your
wellness now, whatever age you are, and don't leave out the EQ
skills. The time to be developing them is now. Our emotions
directly effect our immune system, which is our health. They
also effect our ability to get along with, and enjoy, others and
ourselves. Men may particularly want to address the EQ issue. I
know from the statistics, and from my coaching practice, that a
man living alone at the age of 60 or beyond is in a vulnerable
position, and while there are more women at that age than men,
the smart women will be holding out for the healthy, EQ-smart
men to bless with the health-promoting marital state.

Get started now. It's never too late to learn!

About The Author: Susan Dunn, www.susandunn.cc,
mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc. Susan was chosen Adult & Senior
Development Expert for SelfGrowth, largest self help portal on
net, rated #1 by yahoo,google.Susan offers personal coaching.
Individual coaching for seniors, internet courses, ebooks,

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How Stress Can Play A Large Role In Menopause Fatigue

One of the most difficult challenges of menopause is dealing with the ups and downs. Most women suffering from menopause want to maintain a balance. Some woman with menopause deal with the annoyance of menopause fatigue due to past life styles that have worn their bodies down. At this point their bodies are screaming out to be rejuvenated and they want a good rest.

Some women with menopause say that stress helps them to preform at their best. Even if this is true, putting large amounts of stress on your body during menopause is not always a good idea. Menopause is not a very easily controlled problem so dealing with it can be a very hard task. But this does not mean that you should completely limit your daily activities.

High stress can cause this fatigue to set in which leaves you tired and uninterested in daily activities. But if you can limit how much stress you put on your body then you can beat the complications of menopause. Just because you have menopause doesn't mean you shouldn't get out and have fun or treat yourself to a great day.

Don't feel down because some activities can help reduce the fatigue you may feel with menopause. Getting out and spending the day at a day spa is an excellent idea. Relaxing is a great idea for woman who suffer from menopause because it gives them the chance to let their body rest from the stress of daily life.

To greatly reduce the chances of menopause fatigue try to refrain from doing too much; invite a friend over for lunch instead of going out. Spending time with others and or treating yourself seems to reduce stress and ease the body of any fatigue. So dont let menopause get you down enjoy your life and don't let menopause stand in your way.

You can fight back against it, take your life back and enjoy doing it. Isn't it about time you do something for yourself? Reduce your chances of fatigue Relax and enjoy yourself today and have fun doing it. Rejuvenate your body and you might just feel better. You don't have to suffer from menopause you have the power to reduce the annoying symptoms of menopause and take your life back. Enjoy those same daily activities without the hassle of menopause fatigue.

Enjoy the beauties of the world without the fatigue because the world is out there and its time to experience the wonders of life without fatigue. So enjoy and rejuvenate your body and remember to be good to yourself because it's about time. Don't you deserve it? Absolutely! You deserve to relax.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Remedies at http://www.fightfatigueplus.com

Direct Connection Between Depression And Addiction

Take a close look at the recent record of the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States. It will put you under terse shock. The Institute has deciphered a close connection between depression and addiction and it is not simply a hypothesis. The statistical figure brings out a clear picture that in every three persons suffering from depression at least two will be there who in some way or the other is an addict, either drugs or alcohol. It really indicates a gruesome situation.

The Institute has also put the reason behind such a practice forward. Drugs become a readymade refuge to forget all sorts of frustrations and depressing elements. Thus to survive in a depressing juncture of life, drugs or alcohol gives them the heavenly pleasure perhaps.

This is one way of looking at the connectivity. But there is another method of reading the connection as well.

Drug first or depression first

From the above survey placed you have concluded that it is depression that leads to addiction. But a reverse reaction cannot be ignored. In many cases it has been found that addiction comes first followed by severe depression. Sometimes you get addicted to a thing just out of thrill. May be a friend of yours once proposed you to drink or a small dose of drug. The immediate tranquility and feel of pleasure made you try out the same process for another day.

In a short while you once again fell prey for it. You wanted more and then you found it was the sixth time you are indulged into that activity. The sixth can easily get doubled to the twelfth time and the progression picks up the Geometric Progression process. One day you find that you have crossed the borderline.

Now the pangs begin when you don't get the right dose of drugs in due time. This takes you to the height of depression because you physically fail to control your urge. The first way when depression led to drug addiction, it was at the mental level but the reverse situation affects both your mental and physical health - it is entirely a helpless situation.

Drug rehabs at help

The devil of drugs and alcohol can ruin the life forever. So take the person to the right destiny at a rehab program center for suitable assistance to cope with the crisis situation and get out of it. Rehabs will facilitate treatment at all levels and there are high chances of getting cure under their supervision. If the rehab program too fails, it's the Almighty who can finally save. Drug always leads to dead end.

Find More Addiction info @ http://www.alcohol-recovery4u.info/sitemap.html and Rehab @ http://www.alcohol-recovery4u.info/detox-diet-natural.html . For Cosmetic Surgery related articles: http://www.Cosmetic-surgery-fyi.info

Coping with Stress, its Effects on Your Skin and Health, and Turning Back the Clock

Stress comes in many forms, workplace stress, family stress, grief over loss of a loved one, etc... Some can be avoided, but as we know, many cannot. Some people handle stress better than others, and some even thrive onit.Regardless, stress takes its toll.

Stress has been proven to rid your body of many essential vitamins and minerals. Particularly vitamins C, E, and B. This leads to lethargy, lower focussed mental activities (clinically stress causes more erratic brain activity and a reduction in short term and long term memory), drying out and aging of the skin (in some), and in others a increase in the sebaceous gland activity - which usually brings postules, acne, and rosacea - which all bring more stress as we then become more entangled in how others view our physical appearance.

We cannot stop all stress, but we can take steps to stop or limit its toll on our skin and body. Take a full vitamin suplament every day. Eat a well balanced diet - especially fish meat like salmon (high in omega 3's which is proven to increase brain function and cellular activity, but it also is proven to reduce the aging process of the skin and make cuts and bruises heal faster). Eat more raw fruits and vegetables - atleast 5 servings per day - you will see a notable difference in 4-6 weeks and you will feel better (along with better colon health.

Exercise more often. Aerobic exercise has been proven to release powerful hormones that actually counteract the harmful chemicals and results of stress as it will also improve your bodys abilities to cope with oxidants.

I can't say enough about meditation and prayer. Study after study have proven a reduction in every skin and body malody even cancer symptoms from people that pray and meditate daily. Take 20 minutes every day and do this you will also live longer.

The latest rage is skin peels for a quick fix. Skin peels will slough off the top layers of skin and reveal fresher, cleaner skin. The most effective are TCA peels and phenol peels (phenol peels are dangerous and should only be performed by a licensed plastic surgeon). TCA, trichloroacetic acid, is a medium depth skin peel that works on the most skin ailments - aging skin, sun damage, even has been proven to treat and cure acne. No other skin peel can safely do all that a TCA peel can.

So there you have it - clear, younger skin in 500 words. Great advice to follow and don't forget to always run anything new by your doctor. They are licensed for a reason and know whats best for you.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com

Consider Taking Up Recreational Sports To Relieve Stress

Nobody has to tell you how stressful it is living in today's society. Because the cost of living has sky rocketed, we have to worry about paying bills, holding on to our jobs and providing for our children. Many of us work long hours seated at a desk, leaving us unable to get much exercise. To make matters worse, after we finally get home and put dinner on the table and get our children settled in for the night, we end up plopping down on the couch, in front of the television.

Some of us may head to the computer to surf the web or answer email correspondence. The combination of daily stress and lack of exercise has a poor effect on our bodies. It also impacts our minds because without a way to reduce stress, it may adversely our sleep habits and cause forms of insomnia. This can decrease our ability to think clearly during the day and can make it difficult to complete even simple tasks. That's why it is of great importance to find an outlet for our stress and have fun as well. One such way is to participate in recreational sports.

Participating in recreational sports is an excellent way to relieve stress. It can be as simple as joining your local bowling league. Bowling is a lot of fun and it's something that the whole family can participate in. You can rent the shoes for it at the alley and use their bowling balls, so you don't have to buy expensive gear. If you have extra space in your home, you can invest in a ping pong table.

It might not seem like it but ping pong is a great form of exercise because you have to move around your side of the table a lot to keep the ball in play. It also requires you to swing your arm which provides additional skill. Many people have turned to golf as a way to get in shape and relax. Golf requires a lot of walking and swinging of the club. Most golf courses are designed to look like parks so playing a game of golf can take you out of your stressful atmosphere at work and place you in a peaceful setting where you can get some exercise and relax at the same time.

There are many other choices available in recreational sports. You can choose to take a dance class, or go bicycle riding. You can team up with some friends and take daily walks around the neighborhood or even in the mall. Mall walking is very popular and many stores open early to allow people to walk through them without having to do so while the shoppers are there. There's also tennis, running and horseback riding. For the brave, there is parasailing and extreme sports like mountain climbing that burn calories and relieve stress while providing them with the thrills of a lifetime.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as sporting goods online at http://www.sportinggoodsupply.com

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Best Herbal Remedy for Anxiety

Before we look at the best herbal remedy for anxiety it's important to look at what physiological imbalances cause anxiety.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness and depression as the result of blood deficiency or lack of yin. And so naturally the best herbal remedy for anxiety will include herbs that specifically build the blood and yin or fluids in the body.

Why is building blood crucial for treating anxiety permanently? An easy way to understand how the yin/yang balance affects anxiety is simple. Your body, like everything in the universe is a balance of yin and yang, or hot and cold, water and fire.

You have blood and fluids in the body or yin that is transported and transformed by yang or energy processes such as digestion, eliminating toxins and breathing. Without sufficient water or yin to hold the yang /fire it escapes and like heat, yang energy rises.

This untamed energy rises to your heart or mind causing anxiety, heart palpitations, hot flashes, headaches, hypertension and a variety of troublesome symptoms. Building blood is the first thing acupuncturists and other TCM practitioners focus on when treating patients with anxiety.

For the purpose of this article we will be investigating TCM herbs as the best herbal remedies for anxiety. They include these three herbs which specifically enrich blood and transport it to the heart; Dang Qui (Angelica Sunensis), processed Rehmannia Root (Rehmannia Glutinosa; in mandarin: Shu Di Huang) and Red Sage Root (Salvia Miltorrhiza; in mandarin: dan Shen).

Dan Qui and in combination with processed Rehmania, a warming remedy, is especially effective for conditions with signs of coldness. Red Sage root a bitter herb is more useful when there is a tendency to develop dampness or mucus excess in the body.

Another very powerful blood and yin builder although not an herb is Royal Jelly.
Royal jelly is a thick, extremely nutritious, milky-white, creamy liquid secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse bees. Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly and it accounts for their incredible size and longevity. They average 42 percent larger and weigh 60 percent more than the worker bee. Amazingly, they live 40 times longer than worker bees, seven years as compared to seven weeks.

Royal Jelly has been used in TCM for centuries an interestingly enough is a significant source of Vitamin B12, folic acid and Iron, the nutrients most often needed to cure blood deficiencies.

Severe blood and yin deficiencies can eventually lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes. Tonifying yin is always a lengthy process as it takes many years for such an imbalance to take root.

TCM aims to re-balance the whole body-mind-and spirit system using natural alternatives such as herbs that speed up the process.

If you suffer from anxiety consider this route if you are willing to be patient for the root problem to be rebalanced permanently, this is not a quick fix alternative, neither a band aid patch job. Always consult a professionally trained practitioner before taking any herbs.

Vanessa Simpkins is an alternative health practitioner who specializes in teaching others how to stay healthy using natural traditional Chinese medicine and acupressure. If you want to get in touch with Vanessa or learn more about alternative health please visit: http://www.naturally-a-womans-way.com

Saturday, October 27, 2007

10 Simple Techniques To Initiate Stress And Anxiety Relief At Work

Ricky Gervais and the BBC's stunningly successful sit-com "The
Office" has been a huge hit around the world spawning countless
spin off's and remakes.

The fact is that the comic situation transfers across cultural
barriers. The exact idioms of the language may alter but
essentially we see people in the show that we relate to in our
own workplace - sometimes we even see ourselves.

The people are not the only aspect of the show tat transfers,
so do the situations the characters find themselves in. Do these
two quotes from The Office strike a chord?

Jim Halpert: Because right now, this is a job. If I advance any
higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I'd
have to throw myself in front of a train.

Michael Scott: This is our receptionist, Pam. If you think
she's cute now, you should have seen her a couple years ago.

These lines may be funny yet they point to something basic and
fundamental pertaining to the work place: stress and more
specifically work related stress.

The UK Health and Safety at Work Executive (HSE); the UK
government's Work related health and safety body define work
related stress as: "the adverse reaction a person has to
excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them."

A certain degree of stress is healthy, t keeps us on our toes
and drives us to achieve. In essence stress will cause us to
lead more fulfilling lives. The difficulty is here however, is
how do we create a healthy balance of stress because too much
stress and anxiety is certainly harmful to your health and
well-being? What techniques can we apply to encourage stress and
anxiety relief in our lives? Stay with me for a short while and
we'll look at 10 simple ideas to initiate stress and anxiety
relief at work.

Tune Into Your Body

A simple idea it may be, but one that is the key to unlocking
the box to the other stress and anxiety relief techniques that
we shall examine. Be aware of the degree of stress that you're
experiencing at any one moment in time. First of all you need to
know when your stress levels are rising.

Measure your stress level on a scale of 1-10. While you're at
home find a time when you are alone and when you can lie down
with your eyes closed. Put on your favourite music for relaxing
or just sit in silence, whatever works best for you. Just let
your mind wander and do not seek to hold your thoughts, no
matter how fleeting. After 10 minutes or so you should be aware
of level zero stress.

this is the gauge for measuring all other stress levels. During
the day check into the scale and not the level of tension that
you're feeling: are your shoulders hunched and tense; how does
your gut feel, is it tight and churning; is your jaw clenched?

Take time to move

Movement is a great way to reduce stress levels. Just by
getting out of your seat and moving around you will find that
you will feel a measure of stress and anxiety relief. A brisk
walk during your lunch break and a short jogging session at the
end of the day will reduce tension. Generally aim to keep fit

Take time for deep breathing

Simply breaths deeply, inhaling through the nostrils, after
holding the breath for a count of three exhale slowly through
the mouth.

Take time to use your minds power of imagery

This is another great way to bring stress and anxiety relief
into the workplace. Just take a moment or two to imagine that yo
are somewhere else. Hear the sound of the sea, create the vivid
colours of the sky in your mind, soar of to your favourite place
and do not wait for that distant vacation; go there today. The
more vivid the images the better this stress and anxiety relief
technique will work.

Take time to challenge your irrational thoughts

Be aware of you inner voice and the messages that it is sending
to you. Often these thoughts are based on previous mind
conditioning and the thoughts will be harmful and create
unnecessary levels of stress. For example if you are under
pressure to get something done by a particular time you may find
yourself thinking" I must get this done or else I'm fired and
I'll need to find another job!" This is probably not the case
and if it is then you're probably better looking for another job

Take time to plan work into smaller manageable tasks

A large taks can be overwhelming and may need to be broken down
into simpler easier to complete jobs. We meet more step by step
targets this way and feel agreater sense of achievment after
each step is finished. Give yourselfa reward for completing the
smaller taks and do not wait for the final task before you give
yourself a pat on the back.

Take time to reduce cafine intake

Have you ever seen a two-year old completely wired after
chomping through a few cookies or drinking cola? Well that's
exactly what happens to all of us when we take in too much sugar
or caffeine. However, unlike the nipper at home we can't very
well run around the office making airplane noises, we just carry
the excess stress.

Take time to have a play break

Some professionals keep "squish" balls, or stress balls, in
their work space a simple squeeze is all that is needed for
rapid relief of stress and anxiety. Other people take a few
minutes to play a game at www.addictinggames.com. They're quick
(less than five minutes), easy to play, and many don't require a

Take time to Blow Off Steam - but fairly

don't think that you can't vent a little, but just remember
words spoken in anger can haunt you for a long time if they're
read or overheard by the wrong person. Don't put anything in
email you don't want the whole office to see.

take time to understand that a little stress is worthwhile

Finally, remember that it's natural to feel stress when you
leave your comfort zone. Some stress must be endured as you
expand your horizons, learn new tasks and earn new
responsibilities. That kind of stress may not be much fun, but
in the long run, it's worth it!

About The Author: Peter Wellington writes for
http://www.shrinkstress.com/, a website providing a
comprehensive archive of free information on simple techniques
to rapidy reduce stress in your life

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