Thursday, November 01, 2007

Stress Out The Stress Demon

Do you feel as if the world is tumbling down on you and that
you're running out of time? Are you losing sleep and eating less
due to many responsibilities and too much pressure because of
the demands from your family, friends or from work? Well, you
are not the only one, kids and adults alike experience this
feeling, it's what we commonly call stress.

It is what we experience when we respond to a particular
challenging, troublesome and uncomfortable event. It's a normal
occurrence in our life, everyday most of us are under stress but
what is important is how we cope up with such situations.

Stress is an emotional feeling or physical tension. It occurs
when we are under tight situations we have no control of. It
comes in many names like tension, anxiety, uptight feeling or
apprehension. What we consider stressful may not be to others.

There is good and bad stress. Good or positive stress happens
during emergency situations or when we anticipate an exciting
situation. Did you wonder why you were able to carry your
refrigerator alone when there was fire in the neighborhood or
what made you run faster when you thought someone was after you?
But there is worse than good stress.

Stress can be acute, episodic acute and chronic. The most
common is the acute stress. It is the result of pressure and
demands of the past and expected probable to happen in the
future. Episodic stress happens to individuals who are always in
a rush but always late and disorganized. Chronic stress
devastates the mind and body and eventually your life. It's the
result of poverty, unhappiness, dysfunctional families and
hatred. What's ironic is that people get used to it and even
forget that it is there.

What's important is how to combat stress. There is what we call
Stress Management. These are ways to fight stress. But first you
have to take an inventory of yourself, think what's making you
stress out. You have to learn how to manage some stress-inducing
situations. The best way is to have a balanced life, avoid
excessiveness in everything.

Try some relaxation techniques like yoga, include exercise in
your daily activities, take healthy nutritional food and take
vitamins. Be prepared and be organized always in all you do.
Lastly, take active part in religious activities. You might be
amazed that it really works.

About The Author: Make you stress disappear today:

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