Sunday, December 18, 2011

Change your brain, change your life?

By William Jones

Brain stress is a unavoidable part of daily life and is brought on when the brain reacts to any situation that it thinks of as serious or threatening.

When the brain senses a threat, it sends a signal to the adrenal glands to release adrenaline. This spikes blood sugar analysis readings and drives up heart rate and blood pressure. During this process another hormone called "cortisol" is released - which maintains heartbeat rate and blood pressure and "buys" us time to "escape" from danger. Signs of brain stress typically include a feeling of a heavy heart beat.

Life can cause elevated levels of stress over a brief period of time as well as long lasting times of stress. Physical fatigue, heavy work loads, unstable relationships, mental trauma, unbalanced diets, sleeping problems and unhealthy lifestyle all make a contribution to long-term brain stress.

Continuing stress over extended periods not only impacts brain health but can also seriously affect physical health. As the body doesn't differentiate between physical and psychological stress, continuing (protracted) brain stress can affect all systems in the body. High blood pressure, weakened immune response, higher risk of heart attack, infertility, and speeded up ageing are heavy effects of brain stress.

Other problems associated with mental stress are physical pain, indigestion, nervous sleep, hysteria, weight issues depression, hyper-tension, short temper, autoimmune diseases, and weakness and exhaustion. Any of these issues can adversely impact daily life and cause negative "attitudes".

Those suffering from brain stress are much more likely to take on unhealthy life-styles and unwelcome behaviours including:



Abusing prescription and over-the-counter drugs

Taking illegal drugs



Violent or abusive behaviour

Deserting friends and relatives

There are numerous ways to help handle brain stress and reduce damage from the effect of stress:

Supportive social network: Connecting with positive people keeps you away from the negative effects of stress.

Healthy Diet: Good nourishment gives you energy to fight back and handle unwished-for circumstances.

Do something you enjoy: Whether it's listening music or playing games, take a bit of time to do activities that bring you joy.

Exercise regularly: Be active, go for a walk, or a fast 30 minutes at the gymnasium is a good way to enhance not only physical health but also brain health.

Get proper amounts of sleep: Most people in western cultures are always short of sleep. A good night's sleeps helps recharge the brain and body.

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