Thursday, October 27, 2011

Knowing About Anxiety Disorder and Panic Signs

By Dorothy Wilson

Those who suffer from any type of anxiety on a weekly basis often try to understand whether they are suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder or a panic disorder. The physical and mental discomforts suffered with each of these conditions are rather comparable, but there are also some very distinct differences that set them apart.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

One of the varying differences between human being who suffers from panic attacks and one who has a standard anxiety disorder, is that symptoms of fear are usually only demonstrated during an actual episode. With a victim of anxiety disorder, they carry the feelings of hopelessness and worry with them at all times.

Some of the most common physical sensations of generalized anxiety include tenseness throughout the body, difficulties focusing or concentrating on one thing because of other worries, and insomnia.

Panic attacks is a little more intense physically with having difficulty catching ones breath, feeling dizzy, uncontrollable tremors, a super rapid heart beat, and many other related projections.

Consequences on Daily Life

People who succumb to only a mild form of the principle anxiety disorder can often live a regular every day life with little changes. Due to an inability to stay concentrated, consistent fretting, and being bothersome to loved ones, personal relationships can get very strained.

Severe cases can interfere significantly with the person's daily life, compromising their ability to have a lasting job, interact with friends, or even leave their home.

For those with panic disorder, life seems to be in constant limbo with the expectancy of the next big attack. Avoiding situations and special places become common practice so as not to be caught without a means of escape if an attack is brought on. Over thinking and imagining embarrassment can in itself bring on an attack.

This fear leads many sufferers to intermittently try to judge and examine every physical symptoms that comes over them, trying to catch the attack before it truly sets in.

finally, it is not unheard of for those suffering from generalized anxiety disorder to work themselves into an intense state of panic that they actually have a full blown panic attack. This often occurs in situations where there is a actual reason to worry, so their normal high level of worry escalates above what they are capable of handling.

If there is a growing fear of it occurring again, there could be future panic attacks as a result. Also, some severe cases of anxiety disorder can feel in may ways like a panic attack at some moments, but it is clearly noticeable in the duration and type of symptoms.

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